My photo session should start in one hour, and dark clouds slowly gather up in the sky. A few drops of rain leave their marks on my camera. My 35mm film camera, which, by the way, is not weather resistant. Add to that the fact that I have never been to the shooting location, and you have the recipe for a challenging session. But a drop of good spirits can solve everything.
We are in Carnac, in the northern French region of Brittany. Our road trip vacation is almost at the end, and I could not miss the opportunity to meet a good friend who lives nearby: Jenya. Having the cameras with me, we have decided to plan a short family photo session for her, together with her husband and son.
I love working with clients like Jenya! She is a stylist, so discussing the fashion aspects was very exciting. I always say that preparation is vital for a good result. And she made sure that everyone was dressed stylishly, in tune with the surroundings, and making sure everyone perfectly matched with each other.
By the time our models arrived, I had already hiked the surroundings, scouting for several possible locations. It was a joy shooting these three. Oscar – the small one – the cute little boy. He was like an actual model! 🙂
Photographers know – it is always challenging to photograph small kids, and how important is cooperation with parents! So when tiredness or boredom takes over Oscar, one of the parents will get into the active, dancing mode, drawing his attention and making him smile or look at the camera. They were such a fantastic team, and we had so much fun during the session.
What was unique about this photo shoot was the first time I used both the digital and the film camera in an actual photo session (with Fuji Pro 400H film rolls). I just love the neutral, slightly cooler palette of this film! Also, matching the digital shoots was very easy. When it comes to shooting film, the most exciting part is that you don’t know what you have got before you scan the negatives and receive images from the film lab. But when you finally get them in a few weeks from the lab – it is like Christmas! 🙂
I must say that now I know why so many people are in love with film photography. There is something magical about it. Not to mention the beautiful colors and air in the photos. Of course, it is impossible always to use film, and digital photography is so powerful these days, especially with low light. But I am very excited and inspired to continue my journey exploring the world of analog photography and sharing with you my work!